prana flow
Different Chakras in the body

How does chakra healing work?

distance healing ritual
Rituals for cleaning of chakras in the body & soul

What can I expect from a chakra healing session?

  • Mental/spiritual: excessive anger, habitual anxiety, nervousness, sleep problems, low energy levels, chronic fatigue, strange visions, hearing voices, energetic attacks, recurring nightmares.
  • Physical (caused by an energetic or emotional problem): Unusual and wandering problems in the nervous system, bones or skin, back pain
Does chakra healing over distance have side effects?

No significant side effects occur during a remote healing session and all other treatments can be continued without any problems. On an energetic level, negative energies are removed and the Nadi system is cleansed through alignment with Kundalini energy. During the removal, there may be short-term restlessness in body and mind, which quickly settles down again.

Do I have to prepare for the meeting?

All you have to do is take part in a video call so that the connection can be established. After that, you don’t need to do anything else. The only rule is that you should not take any anesthetics on the same day as the healing until you are unconscious.

How many distance healings are necessary?

As a rule, the desired results are achieved during the first remote healing session. More than 2-3 remote healings are not recommended, as the problem cannot be solved in this way. Spiritual healing at a distance or on site is generally recommended once in a lifetime.

Spiritual healing includes chakra healing?

Spiritual healing over distance includes chakra healing and influences the nervous system, the energy body and the soul. Healing over distance involves certain ancient Nepalese rituals that affect the soul and the energies associated with it. These rituals include mantra recitations, offerings of flowers, fruits etc., fire rituals and techniques to purify the Kundalini energy. They are quite traditional in detail, but truly universal in their entirety.

A long-distance spiritual healing session for €69 (on site in cologne also possible) includes:

  • This booking includes a 30 minute video call for diagnosis and the connection for later distance healing
  • 50 minutes for healing preparation and 60 minutes of spiritual healing (Tantric, shamanic and yogic healing)
  • 30 minute feedback session
  • Assignment of a personal mantra with instructions for mantra meditation