concentration in meditation
Concentration on the 6th Chakra

Why is concentration in meditation so important?

Concentration as a stable foundation in meditation

Choosing the right meditation object

  • A mantra that is constantly repeated
  • The breath, which is consciously observed
  • A candle or a yantra on which the gaze remains focused

Obstacles to concentration in meditation

  • Hectic and restless: the mind jumps uncontrollably from one thought to the next.
  • Absent-mindedness: Attention cannot be held for more than a few seconds.
  • Depression: Emotional blockages make practice more difficult.

The Koshas: A map for deeper meditation

  • Annamaya Kosha (physical sheath): The gross body, consisting of flesh and bones.
  • Pranamaya Kosha (energetic sheath): This is where our emotions and life force (prana) reside.
  • Manomaya Kosha (mental sheath): Seat of thoughts, memories and the conscious mind.
  • Vijnanamaya Kosha (intuitive sheath): The deeper knowledge and subconscious mind.
  • Anandamaya Kosha (bliss sheath): The innermost core, always in bliss.

Tips for improving concentration in meditation

  • Practice daily: Concentration is like a muscle that needs to be exercised.
  • Focus steadily but gently: Too much effort tires the mind quickly.
  • Choose the right meditation object: A suitable object makes focusing easier.
  • Don’t get frustrated: Concentration develops over time.

Patience and perseverance lead to the goal