ancestors ritual
Example ancestors ritual

Understanding the Ancestral Realm

Ancestral healing through connection

The Legacy of Ancestral Wounds

  • Recurring patterns: We might find ourselves unconsciously repeating negative behaviors or attracting similar challenges faced by our ancestors.
  • Unexplained fears or anxieties: These anxieties may not stem from our personal experiences but could be echoes of past traumas experienced by our ancestors.
  • Disconnection from self or family: Difficulty connecting with family members or feeling a sense of belonging could be signs of unresolved ancestral issues.

A guide for an Ancestral Healing Ritual

Preparing Ancestral Healing Ritual

  • Hello, how are you?
  • I hope you like these gifts, please enjoy them.
  • I hope I’m not doing anything wrong in your eyes, and if I am, please forgive me, I’m doing my best and I’m willing to learn and improve.

After the Ancestral Healing Ritual