Spiritual healing in a tent in Ghent

Spiritual healing is an unique technique of shamanic healing from Nepal that includes shamanic healing rituals combined with yogic and tantric knowledge. This healing is possible over long distances, no matter where the person is located. This technique comes from Kedar Upreti from Kathmandu, a seventh generation healer. This technique has been perfected over centuries in Nepal. By removing negative connections via our energy body (nadis), releasing blockages at a soul level and providing support through tailored rituals, we achieve a holistic approach to spiritual healing.

My teachers

Peter Marchand & Kedar Upreti

What happens during a spiritual healing?

Spiritual healing involves certain ancient Nepalese rituals that affect the soul and the energies associated with it. These rituals include mantra recitations, offerings of flowers, fruits, fire rituals and techniques to purify the Kundalini energy. They are quite traditional but really universal in their entirety. The Nepalese techniques have been perfected over decades and are just as effective today as they were then.

Spiritual healing is not an exact science with a guaranteed outcome, but successful results are often achieved for certain physical and mental/emotional problems:

  • Mental/emotional: excessive anger, habitual anxiety, depression and manic depression, nervousness, sleep problems, anorexia and bulimia, burnout, chronic fatigue, schizophrenia, strange visions, hearing voices, recurring nightmares, alcohol and other addictions, meditation and concentration disorders, etc.
  • Physical (Problem should at best relate to a spiritual or emotional problem): headaches, nerve pain (neuralgia), back pain, skin problems, digestive problems, dizziness, nausea, palpitations, etc

What can I expect from a long distance healing?

According to my statistics, 90% of these healings bring a clear improvement and in more than half the specific problems are completely eliminated. Most cases only need one spiritual healing, rarely 2 or 3 healings are needed to solve the problem. I will never instruct to stop any other medical treatment and it actually supports the healing process. You don’t have to believe in these things for the healing to work, as long as you are somewhat open to it.

A long-distance spiritual healing session for €75 (on site in cologne also possible) includes:

  • This booking includes a 30 minute video call for diagnosis and the connection for later distance healing
  • 50 minutes for healing preparation and 60 minutes of spiritual healing (Tantric, shamanic and yogic healing)
  • 30 minute feedback session
  • Assignment of a personal mantra with instructions for mantra meditation