
1. Muscle Relaxation

2. Bodyscan

We start again at the feet, feel our way in and smile inwardly. We linger briefly and take in these areas and feel relaxed. The calves and shins follow. Thighs, buttocks, hips and back. This is followed by the abdomen, chest, hands and arms. Shoulders, neck and face. Then we feel and feel the whole body comfortably and relaxed. If certain areas feel uncomfortable or painful, we also notice this and focus on the positive feeling of the whole body.

3. Prolonged breathing

natural sleep
Natural sleep

4. Abdominal breathing

Now we also let go of this active breathing and allow the breath to come back naturally and without tension. We focus our attention on the abdomen. At this point, we should settle into our preferred sleeping position and feel comfortable and secure. Now it’s time to let go of the breath. We let our focus gently lift and lower our abdomen while we breathe in and out without influence. We now let ourselves breathe and relax even further. If we experience any more restlessness while relaxing, we return to abdominal breathing.

5. Shortened sequence

  1. Body scan through the entire body
  2. Concentration on the breath
  3. Prolonged exhalation
  4. Prolonged inhalation
  5. Abdominal breathing

6. More sleep tips

  • Prone position can have a calming effect when falling asleep
  • Massage oil (vegetable oil, sesame oil, etc.) into the soles of the feet
  • Meditation before going to bed helps you sleep
  • Ventilate the room before going to bed
  • Darken the room
  • Going to bed at the same time
  • Get up early to get tired in the evening