Sleep meditation helps with the today’s fast-paced world that often can rob us of restful sleep. If you struggle to fall asleep and are looking for an effective way to calm down, then meditation to fall asleep is just the thing for you. In this article, you will learn how to use this relaxing practice to achieve deeper relaxation and fall asleep more easily.

Why meditate to fall asleep?

Preparation for sleep meditation

The practice of sleep meditation

  • Start your meditation to fall asleep by concentrating on your breathing. Be aware of how your breath flows in and out of your body.
  • Slowly count to four as you inhale, hold your breath for a moment and then count to four again as you exhale.
  • Repeat this breathing technique several times and let go of all thoughts and worries.
  • The next step is to focus your attention on your body.
  • Start at the head and work your way down to the feet, consciously feeling into each part of the body and relaxing it.
  • Concentrate on the pleasant sensations and let go of any tension.

Visualization and affirmations

The transition to sleep

When you feel relaxed and detached, let go of conscious control over your breathing and allow your body to return to its natural rhythm. Let yourself gently drift off to sleep while you continue to observe your breathing and allow yourself to be guided by positive thoughts. If you wake up from time to time, it can also help to get up briefly and turn on the light to reboot your body. You can also go for a walk if you have the feeling that your body doesn’t want to sleep but is restless.


Meditating to fall asleep can help you let go of the stress of the day and achieve deeper relaxation. By focusing on your breathing, your body and calming visualizations, you can promote a calm mind and restful sleep. It is also helpful if you practice this technique often to use the memory of your body and mind to relax more effectively.

  • Practice a sleep meditation regularly
  • Find a technique that suits you
  • Don’t stress if it doesn’t work to fall asleep
  • Generally try to develop a relaxed attitude towards this situation
  • Try to use natural remedies
  • Try to avoid unnatural light before going to sleep